- is Germany’s top classifieds site with 5-6m visitors a month, and 3-4m personals users a month. They make 200k Euros a year from mostly (76%) erotic ads.
- There are 8.4m online daters in D-A-CH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
- The German iDating market accounts for 20% of European Internet daters and 25% of European revenues
- 10 million German Internet daters generated 246m Euros revenue in 2012. Only the UK has similar numbers.
- 5 million German mobile daters generated 5-10m Euros in app revenues
- The Swiss are the most active mobile daters
- Lovoo is the #1 dating app.
- There’s 2.8m singles in Netherlands and 1.5m people use idating regularly.
- The Netherlands idating market is 30-35m Euros a year.
- 42% of Dutch households own a tablet
- Most people pay by iDEAL (48%), or by paying afterwards (24%)
- There’s 600+ dating sites in Netherlands but only 40 usable sites for consumers and 6-7 are advertised on TV.
- The top two are Lexa and Relatieplanet. Parship and eDarling are the top matchmaking sites. Badoo and Twoo are the top social dating sites.
- There’s no big free dating site. No POF.
- As long as sites say they have fake profiles, Netherlands allows it.
- Twoo has 70k paying members (as of March 2013) and 2.1m Euros revenue for Q1. Meetic bought Twoo because their marketing costs are a lot lower than Meetic.
- doesn’t pay for marketing. They have an interesting feature where users see blurred photos and have to text chat to unblur the photos. There’s no profiles, just a questionnaire, and no search function. ‘BattleDate’ is a fun game.
- user behavior is taken into account for matching.
- Users can pay for ‘photocheat’ to see unblurred pictures earlier without having to chat. Paying members get more filters, and influence on matching.
- The payment model is very interesting as well. Its 20 euros for the first month and then 10 euros a month.
- Paiq makes half their money from credit/points sales and half from subscriptions.
- Paiq uses structured data (behaviors) and unstructured data (i.e. likes on facebook) for matching.
- The Inner Circle is a by-invitation-only dating site with 6k members in London and 4k in Amsterdam and attracts people who don’t normally use dating sites.
- They recruit a hip local ambassador in new cities.
- They charge 5 euros per two weeks.
- Members check prospective members before they’re accepted. Members can invite 5 people each.
- The Scandinavian Internet dating market generates 60-80m Euros a year.
- Online dating adoption in Sweden is the highest in Europe at 50% of singles. Switzerland is 49%, Germany is 47%.
- High internet and smartphone penetration in the UK and Norway and Sweden.
- There’s a high willingness to pay
- There’s 25m people in 4 countries in Scandinavia (not counting 300k in Iceland).
- Sweden has the highest penetration of one-person households in Europe.
- It’s a competitive market.
- Sweden domestic sites are Happypancake,,
- Norway’s domestic site is
- Finland’s is
- Happypancake started to charge and launched a freemium model Monday 16th September.
- Motesplatsen tries to be like IKEA. Value for the masses.
- Match is more urban. Badoo is for younger audience. Happypancake is casual. Firstdate is also a little younger.
- Parship pulled out of the market.
- Motesplatsen is owned by a media company that is publicly traded and has 30 employees. 10m Euros revenues, and is subscription only.
- Motesplatsen customer support responds to questions within one hour.
- Motesplatsen lifetime membership value is 1200 SEK (135 Euros)
- There’s 38 million people in Poland, 25m internet users, and 10m Facebook users. 7m singles.
- There’s only 110 dating sites in Poland. (Germany has ~2000).
- Polish iDating annual revenues are ~15m Euros a year
- Age 25-39 is the best converting age range.
- 1/3 of the Polish people have higher education.
- 18% of Poles own smartphones.
- Only Sympatico has a mobile app, and no one is really doing a good job of mobile dating apps.
Gamification in the Dating Industry
- The trick with gamification is to make what is boring and difficult into something fun and interesting
- Engagement, Loyalty and Revenues
- Open your API to increase options
- Social games will be $8.6B worldwide in 2014!
- 34% of total internet population will be gamers.
- 50% of social networking users will play games.
- Your goal is not to increase the number of players but to increase the engagement with the community.
- Talk with players. Be an expert gamer. Be a community leader. Be a storyteller. Be an educator
European Casual Dating
- C-date is in 35 countries, in 16 languages, and has 20m members and generates 45k new registrations per day.
- The more educated people are the more like they are to use the internet, and express their sexual preferences on the internet.
- More religious countries had more crazy sexual preferences and were more satisfied.
- Women who are not well educated are more satisfied with their sex life.
- The proportion of people who have ever had sex with a stranger is rising rapidly in Germany and Switzerland.
- The Dutch are most likely to have had sex with a stranger (43%). Norwegians are least likely (28%).
- The more educated women are, the more sex they like to have.
Mobile Dating Monetization
- Non-cash transactions growing 8% this year.
- Alternative payments will equal regular payments by 2020
- Germany has only 18% credit card penetration!?
- The number of credit cards in Poland is decreasing.
- 80% of Italian mobile users use prepaid mobile accounts.
- Here’s some perspective. There are 5 billion mobile phones on the planet, 1.8 billion bank accounts, 1.5 billion credit card holders, 1.5 billion personal computers, and 123 million paypal accounts.
- Dimoco offers mobile/alternative in 31 countries and can do subscriptions in all European countries except two.
- Recommendations: Mix subscriptions offerings with single transaction offerings. Make smaller content packages to adjust to low tariffs. Use Direct Carrier Billing! Do trial memberships Stress the anonymity of paying by Direct Carrier Billing with your end users. Unlock your non-premium members
Facebook Marketing
- Survey your members to find out what they like, and then target people who like those things on Facebook and you’ll lower your CPL signficaintly.
- Single men in Germany like pizza and BMW.
- Meetic is in 15 countries and has 4.7m uniques a month, Twoo has 5.1m monthly uniques.
- Meetic has 80 internal employees and 160 total. 10 people working in data analytics now, 20+ in product. Their mantra is ‘Product is King.’
- Meetic makes only 3.3% of its revenues from its mobile apps.
- Meetic advertising focuses on showing the real experiences of new internet daters. Their tagline is ‘more relationships and more marriages than any other site.’
- Building a brand is your main priority! In the past Alistair Shrimpton ran Match and Dating Direct online advertising with exactly the same creative, in the same media, and the Match ads had 4 times the click-thru-rate of the Dating Direct ads.
- Meetic has run 800 events in Europe to date. Mainly happy hours. They are strategic about who they invite, so they can make sure they are happy, and rave about the events. They’re free events and people can bring friends. They’re non-branded events so people can’t see Meetic shown at the venues.
- Twoo now has 10m monthly users and 2m daily users.
- Is mobile an essential revenue driver or dissatisfier when absent?
- Make a richer user experience and it makes it easier to recognize scammers.
- There’s 360m people living in Europe of which 17% are single, 40% of which (14m) are ready to date online.
- 32m Europeans log onto dating sites each year.
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